For every writer that ever has to pitch a project, The Hollywood Pitching Bible is the MOST essential book on pitching you will ever need. I don’t mean to be hyperbolic, but this is by far the best book on pitching projects that I have ever read.
At one point in my career, I was teaching pitching to diversity groups at the WGA and at the time there were very few books out on the subject. While there, I read through every book I could find on pitching and all of them in the WGA Library.
It was the Hollywood Pitching Bible that turned out to be the ultimate book on pitching. This book thoroughly outlines everything you need to do to prepare for a successful pitch. I made it mandatory reading for all the pitch workshops I did at the WGA as this book is the most authoritative on the subject I’ve found. However, unlike most other books, it’s short and sweet, and still provides a master’s degree in everything you need to know about developing a pitch.
The Hollywood Pitching Bible covers everything from pre-pitch subjects like how to choose a project and genre that are marketable to the pitch etiquette and professionalism in the meeting. However, the meat of the book is the chapters on constructing your pitch, the elements of a pitch, pitching styles and presentation.
Another aspect of the Hollywood Pitching Bible is that it speaks to the level of professionalism expected from a writer in the industry. To be a true industry professional, writers must remember that they are not only artist and creators but business owners and their business is writing. If you want to see your projects made, this book will help understand what the industry standards are and how to perform at their level. If you get a pitch meeting, remember that this is your business. This is what you chose to do and if you want to work in this industry as a writer you MUST know how to pitch. This isn’t optional for any writer in Hollywood and this book should not be optional for you if you are serious about your career.
For me personally, The Hollywood Pitching Bible was a godsend that expanded and deepened my pitching skills. Since retooling my pitches with this book, I have had several competition placements and three options for more than the WGA standard. This book has helped me make more than a 1,000 times what I paid for it.
As far as pitching goes, this is the one and only book I would recommend to every writer.